Thursday, May 14, 2020
Family, By Lee Herrick - 887 Words
Family What Is This Thing Called Family is written by Lee Herrick, who was born in South Korea, adopted at eleven months, and raised in California (Herrick). This article states author’s perspective on the notion of family, based on his own experience. Herrick used to be laughed at because of his race when young. For the reason that certain Americans look down on Asian, little Herrick felt difficult to get on well with some local kids, even could not understand why these peers treated him like this. Herrick’s sister always acted as a â€Å"defender†and â€Å"protector†, she came to Herrick and intervened the conflicts between them, according to the author. One day, an incident happened, Herrick was attacked by his â€Å"flat face†, which was so hurtful and made little Herrick cried heavily on the long walk home after the bus dropped him off(Herrick). Herrick’ mother noticed that Herrick had cried when he walked in the front door. Mom comforted litt le Herrick carefully and gave him much power to face these difficult times in the future. In the process of growing up, Herrick gradually realized how much support had his mother and father gave him. By the author’s special family structure and growth experience, Herrick was inspired a lot. Growing up in an interracial family taught author much about the notion of family, Herrick believed that â€Å"Family is about love and struggle and adapting, and family goes far beyond a child’s eye looking like her mother and father’s.†According to theShow MoreRelatedLabeling Genetically Modified Organisms And Food Markets1937 Words  | 8 PagesGMO’s. 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