Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Artworks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Artworks - Essay Example The depth of the painting can be seen when one observes a massive structure in darker tone towards the left,giving a greater sense of magnitude. Where as one gets a peaceful feeling when his eyes scrutinizes the small town hidden under the trail of hills. One of the most captivating artworks of all times, ‘Girl with a pearl earring illustrates a timeless beauty, a girl gazing at us with an exotic turban on her head. Her magical eyes and partially-opened lips engages our senses and gives depth to the painting. Her reminiscent attire give this picture this timeless feeling with surely a lasting quality. Due to his remarkable painting techniques, this artwork became a subject of poignant interest. The sense of realism is reflected in this painting because of those minute details which Vermeer give to these paintings i.e white tiny dots on either ends of her lips, that surreal look of her skin and the delicacy reflecting in the pearl she’s wearing. Just like Vincent’s Starry night, Munch uses those similar simplistic figures and vibrant colors with exaggerated details. After executing this artwork during the transitional phase of art history, Munch helped the other artists to demonstrate their inner feelings and emotions and express them beautifully in their paintings, rather than focusing on the outer appearance of different figures and objects. Why i chose this artwork? Well this one is different from all others. One has to go in its depth to get the real meaning which rests behinds this painting. Such an abstract image focuses on the subjective emotions and portrays that raw human emotion.Because of his brushwork using such vibrant layers of colors,it helps the onlooker to grab that subjective vocabulary for his very own interpretation of these subjects and this is exactly why it makes this artwork interesting. This artwork is
Monday, October 28, 2019
Nature of Linguistic Sign by Ferdinand de Saussure Essay Example for Free
Nature of Linguistic Sign by Ferdinand de Saussure Essay 1. Sign, Signified Signifier Some people regard language, when reduced to its elements as a naming-process onlya list of words, each corresponding to the thing that it names. For example: operationan assumption that is anything but true. But this rather naive approach can bring us near the truth by showing us that the linguistic unit is a double entity, one formed by the associating of two terms. We This conception is open to criticism at several points. It assumes that ready-made ideas exist before words; it does not tell us whether a name is vocal or psychological in nature (arbor, for instance, can be considered from either viewpoint); finally, it lets us assume that the linking of a name and a thing is a very simple have seen in considering the speaking-circuit that both terms involved in the linguistic sign are psychological and are united in the brain by an associative bond. This point must be emphasized. The linguistic sign unites, not a thing and a name, but a concept and a sound-image. The latter is not the material sound, a purely thing, but the psychological imprint of the sound, the impression that it makes on our senses. The sound-image is sensory, and if I happen to call it â€Å"material,†it is only in that sense, and by way of opposing it to the other term of the association, the concept, which is generally more abstract. The psychological character of our sound-images becomes apparent when we observe our own speech. Without moving our lips or tongue, we can talk to ourselves or recite mentally a selection of verse. Because we regard the words of our language as sound-images, we must avoid speaking of the â€Å"phonemes†that make up the words. This term, which suggests vocal activity, is applicable to the spoken word only, to the realization of the inner image in discourse. We can avoid that misunderstanding by speaking of the sounds and syllables of a word provided we remember that the names refer to the sound-image. The linguistic sign is then a two-sided psychological entity that can be represented by the drawing: The two elements are intimately united, and each recalls the other. Whether we try to find the meaning of the Latin word arbor or the word that Latin uses to designate the concept â€Å"tree,†it is clear that only the associations sanctioned by that languageappear to us to conform to reality, and we disregard whatever others might be imagined. Our definition of the linguistic sign poses an important question of terminology. I call the combination of a concept and a sound-image a sign, but in current usage the term generally designates only a sound-image, a word, for example (arbor, etc.). One tends to forget that arbor is called a sign only because it carries the concept â€Å"tree,†with the result that the idea of the sensory part implies the idea of the whole. Ambiguity would disappear if the three notions involved here were designated by three names, each suggesting and opposing the others. I propose to retain the word sign [signe] to designate the whole and to replace concept and sound-image respectively by signified [signifià ©] and signifier [signifiant]; the last two terms have the advantage of indicating the opposition that separates them from each other and from the whole of which they are parts. As regards sign, if I am satisfied with it, this is simply because I do not know of any word to replace it, the ordinary language suggesting no other. The linguistic sign, as defined, has two primordial characteristics. In enunciating them I am also positing the basic principles of any study of this type. 2. Principle I: the Arbitrary Nature of the Sign The bond between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary. Since I mean by sign the whole that results from the associating of the signifier with the signified, I can simply say: the linguistic sign is arbitrary. The idea of â€Å"sister†is not linked by any inner relationship to the succession of sounds s-ïÆ'Ëœ-r which serves as its signifier in French; that it could be represented equally by just any other sequence is proved by differences among languages and by the very existence of different languages: the signifiedâ€Å"ox†has as its signifier b-ïÆ'Ëœ-f on one side of the border and o-k-s (Ochs) on the other. No one disputes the principle of the arbitrary nature of the sign, but it is often easier to discover a truth than to assign to it its proper place. Principle I dominates all the linguistics of language; its consequences are numberless. It is true that not all of them are equally obvious at first glance; only after many detours does one discover them, and with them the primordial importance of the principle. One remark in passing: when semiology becomes organized as a science, the question will arise whether or not it properly includes modes of expression based on completely natural signs, such as pantomime. Supposing that the new science welcomes them, its main concern will still be the whole group of systems grounded on the arbitrariness of the sign. In fact, every means of expression used in society is based in principle on collective behavior orwhat amounts to the same thingon convention. Polite formulas, for instance, though often imbued with a certain natural expressiveness (as in the case of a Chinese who greets his emperor by bowing down to the ground nine times), are nonetheless fixed by rule; it is this rule and not the intrinsic value of the gestures that obliges one to use them. Signs that are wholly arbitrary realize better than the others the ideal of the semiological process; that is why language, the most complex and universal of all systems of expression, is also the most characteristic; in this sense linguistics can become the master-pattern for all branches of semiology although language is only one particular semiological system. The word symbol has been used to designate the linguistic sign, or more specifically, what is here called the signifier. Principle I in particular weighs against the use of this term. One characteristic of the symbol is that it is never wholly arbitrary; it is not empty, for there is the rudiment of a natural bond between the signifier and the signified. The symbol of justice, a pair of scales, could not be replaced by just any other symbol, such as a chariot. The word arbitrary also calls for comment. The term should not imply that the choice of the signifier is left entirely to the speaker (we shall see below that the individual does not have the power to change a sign in any way once it has become established in the linguistic community); I mean that it is unmotivated, i.e. arbitrary in that it actually has no natural connection with the signified. 3. Principle II: the Linear Nature of the Signifier The signifier, being auditory, is unfolded solely in time from which it gets the following characteristics: (a) it represents a span, and (b) the span is measurable in a single dimension; it is a line. While Principle II is obvious, apparently linguists have always neglected to state it, doubtless because they found it too simple; nevertheless, it is fundamental, and its consequences are incalculable. Its importance equals that of Principle I; the whole mechanism of language depends upon it. In contrast to visual signifiers (nautical signals, etc.) which can offer simultaneous groupings in several dimensions, auditory signifiers have at their command only the dimension of time. Their elements are presented in succession; they form a chain. This feature becomes readily apparent when they are represented in writing and the spatial line of graphic marks is substituted for succession in time. Sometimes the linear nature of the signifier is not obvious. When I accent a syllable, for instance, it seems that I am concentrating more than one significant element on the same point. But this is an illusion; the syllable and its accent constitute only one phonational act. There is no duality within the act but only different oppositions to what precedes and what follows.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Carbon Fiber :: essays research papers
Carbon fiber Carbon fibers are produced by using heat to chemically change rayon or acrylic fibers. Carbonization occurs at temperatures of 1000 ° C to 2500 ° C in an inert atmosphere. Carbon fibers are converted to graphite at temperatures above 2500 ° C. Carbon and graphite fibers can also be made from pitch, a residual petroleum product. Products that use carbon fibers include heat-shielding materials, aircraft fuselages and wings, spacecraft structures, and sports equipment. You can golf, ride, sail, tennis, drive, cycle, fish, decorate or even fly Carbon Fiber! Carbon fibers are derived from one of two precursor materials Pitch and Pan. Pitch is based carbon fibers have lower mechanical properties and are therefore rarely used in critical structural applications. Pan based carbon fibers are under continual development and are used in composites to make materials of great strength and lightness. The raw material of Pan, acrylonitrile, is a product of the chemical industry and can be manufactured as follows: Acrylonitrile is used as a raw material in acrylic fibers, ABS resin, AS resin, synthetic rubber, acrylamide and other materials. Global production capacity is 4.67 million tons, approximately 60% of which is consumed for acrylic fibers. In the early manufacturing processes acetylene and hydrogen cyanide were used as a raw material, whereas today nearly all AN is manufactured using what is called the Sohio process, whereby an ammoxidation reaction are applied from inexpensive propylene and ammonia. Technological advances, particularly surrounding research into improved catalysts for the      Sohio process, are proceeding, promoted by a concern for energy conservation and lessening the environmental loading. The research aims include improved productivity, reduced byproducts, and lesser wastewater and waste gas. The Sohio process was perfected in 1960 by The Standard Oil Co. of Ohio, owing to the development of an epoch-making catalyst that synthesizes AN in a single- stage reaction using propylene and ammonia. The reaction took place using the fluid-bed od. The P-Mo-Bi group is used as the catalyst and favorable fluidized conditions are maintained by adjusting the physical properties of the catalyst. The reaction gas contains not only AN, but also acetonitrile, hydrogen cyanide and other byproduct gasses, so AN products are obtained by having the reaction gas absorbed into water, then using evaporation separation. The Sohio process was epoch-making at the time it was developed, but improvements have been made in response to the following conditions: The AN yield of approximately 60% was not very high; The process circulated and used large amounts of water, requiring a lot of
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Romulus My Father Notes
Romulus My Father: Values & Belonging Romulus values education and learning, but sadly, only completed primary school. He is a tragic figure from the very beginning: 3: †¦ an inefficient postal service, however, prevented his application [for high school scholarship examinations] from arriving on time. He cried bitterly, not because of lost employment prospects, but because his love of learning would never be fulfilled.Romulus values European landscape – he does not find serenity, and does not belong to the landscape: 14: Though the landscape is one of rare beauty, to a European or English eye it seems desolate, and even after more than forty years my father could not become reconciled to it. He longed for the generous and soft European foliage, but the eucalypts of Baringhup, scraggy except for the noble red gums on the river bank, seemed symbols of deprivation and barrenness. In this he was typical of many of the immigrants whose eyes looked directly to the foliage and always turned away offended. 3: The peppercorns, to be found at almost every settlement in the area, were planted as though to mediate between local and European landscapes. 21: The Frogmore farmhouse is deplorable – it is not homely, or conducive to belonging and comfort: There was no electricity and no running water†¦ Rats lived under the house and occasionally bit us in bed†¦ Hora woke one night to find a large rat tugging at his elbow trying to make off with a piece of flesh. Large brown snakes came to eat the rats†¦Romulus values purposeful work but is belittled by menial labour as a new immigrant: another example of Romulus not belonging to the mediocrity of Australian culture: 16: ‘New Australians’†¦ were almost always given menial manual tasks†¦ In the case of my father, this unusually gifted man was set to work with a pick and shovel. He noted how incompetent some of the Australian tradesmen were, especially the welders, but not with resentment or anger, more with incredulous irony. He had long come to accept what fate ad dealt him and felt not resentment or indignation, or any other response which depended on the assumption that he was owed something better. 29: My father worked shifts at P&N, unable to avoid it because the foreman threatened to sack him if he did not do so. As a consequence, I spent many nights alone at Frogmore. Romulus values fatherhood. He has a nobility about him: 17: He and Hora worked alternate shifts so that one of them could always care for me. At his request, my father was transferred to a job cleaning the lavatories in the camp so that he could be near me. 4: Primitive though the house was, it made it possible for my father to keep me rather than to send me to a home, and it offered hope that our family might be reunited. 31: My father’s devoted care of me contrasted obviously with her neglect, and fuelled hostility toward her. Romulus values intimacy and his marriage and is crushed at Christine’s infidelity: 19: My father must have been heartbroken by his unfathomable, troubled, vivacious and unfaithful wife. Romulus values character: 101: Character – or karacter†¦ was the central moral concept for my father and Hora.It stood for a settled disposition for which it was possible rightly to admire someone†¦ Honesty, loyalty, courage, charity (taken as a preparedness to help others in need) and a capacity for hard work were the virtues most prized by the men and women I knew then. Romulus believes that life is short and full of suffering: 121: His sense of life is beautifully expressed in the ‘Prayer for the Dead’: ‘Man that is born of woman hath but a short time to live and is full of misery. He cometh up and is cut like a flower. He fleeth as it were a shadow and never continueth in one stay’.Those accents of sorrow and pity determined his sense of all other human beings as his fellow mortals, victims of fate and destined for suffering. They determined the quality of his deeply felt compassion in which all moral judgements were embedded. 172: Suffering ennobles†¦ Some kinds of wisdom, however, the kinds that show themselves not only in thoughts, but in the integrity of an authoritatively lived life – are given only to those who have suffered deep and long. His affliction gave authority to much of what my father said etcRomulus’ moral code – his sense of what is real and important was shattered after Lydia’s letter of rejection: 122: Only someone with an extraordinary sense of the reality of the ethical could be so shaken by a sense of evil, and my father was such a person. Vacek’s institutionalisation shows the danger of conformity: 143: †¦ police took him to the Ballarat psychiatric hospital†¦ over time he became dependent on institutional living so that, even when he was free to leave, he preferred to stay, and remained there f or the rest of his life.Here is an argument against belonging – belonging becomes a prison. Hora & Romulus enjoyed an enduring friendship†¦ Romulus remained a noble, heroic man despite his illness: 146: Hora knew that, despite his illness, there was still no one who remained as steadfast as my father in his disdain of superficialities, in his honesty and in his concern for others. Romulus believes in keeping one’s word at all costs – he pays for Lydia’s family to migrate: 149: Their fares were paid not by Lydia and her husband, but by my father.He had promised to do it years before, and it was inconceivable that he would go back on his word whatever Lydia had done to him and irrespective of whether her mother and her brother had been accomplices in her deception. Romulus values the truth and absolute honesty Romulus values being polite: 138: My father said that we should wait until a more suitable time before knocking at their door. This courtesy str uck me as incongruous with our purpose. Finish what you start – changing direction signifies an instability and weakness in character: 157: My father refused to let me go [to Melbourne High School].He said that I had started at St Patrick’s and so should finish†¦ For years†¦ he insisted that I had made the wrong decision†¦ because I had not finished what I started. Hora (like Romulus) detests moral shallowness. After an argument between Raimond and Hora about communism, Hora refused to speak to Raimond: 159: He knew that I knew how many millions had perished under communism, for he had often told me. Given that I knew, how could I not care? But how could I claim to care if I treated it all so lightly?If I was now such a morally shallow person, what could he say to me? How could he speak to me of anything that mattered? These questions cut into his heart, for he loved me. For his the pleasure of talking even about trivial matters depended on his knowing t hat the person with whom he was speaking was one whose responses could be trusted to be serious and decent. Romulus does not believe in traditional gender roles, he believes in doing what must be done: 163: The division he knew from his childhood between women’s and men’s work, played little role in his life.He sewed, cooked and baked, teaching Milka how to make strudel with their own pastry, doughnuts and other things. Romulus values compassion, generosity and care†¦ his commitment is almost religious: 165: Compassion went unusually deep in my father. It showed itself all his life in the help he gave those in need and in the pain he visibly felt for their pain. He was literally incapable of not helping someone genuinely in need if he had the means to do so. 165: More often than not my father’s generosity was abused, and although it pained him it did not diminish his impulse to give. 68: He had no interest in doctrine. At the centre of his religious sensibi lity was the idea of a pure heart responsive to those in need. 169: His sense of our deep need for prayer was the expression of his belief that only a life of prayer could enable one to consent to great and protracted misfortune and for that consent to go sufficiently deep to save one from despair. Romulus values European culture: he is in the prison of Anglo society, craving European conviviality: 169: He longed for European society, saying that he felt like a ‘prisoner’ in Australia.He meant that, although he had good neighbours, in Maryborough he had almost no one with whom he could enjoy the generous and open forms of conviviality that characterised European hospitality as he knew it. He complained that one could not just drop in on Australians and talk freely for hours: one had, as he put it, always ‘to make an appointment’. Whereas if you went to a European home, you would generally be offered food and talk, both in generous quantities. Romulus believ es that conversation is humanising: 23: All conversation which meant all living, occurred in the kitchen 73: He believed that it was essential to decent conversation that one not pretend to virtues one did not possess – as essential as being truthful about one’s identity. Only then could conversation be true to its deeper potentialities and do its humanising work or opening up the possibilities of authentic human disclosure. Romulus values a life governed by necessity, and work is the ultimate necessity: 194: Although†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. e and Hora were inclined to believe that depth and real contentmen t were to be found only in a life governed by necessity. Wisdom they believed, lay in consent to that necessity. Superficiality and restlessness were in store for those who fled it. See also: incident with Mikkelsen Delivering groceries by carrying them on his back Miscellaneous: Relationships – or belonging and connectedness to another human being – is destructive. 137: Mitru’s suicide and my father’s madness had convinced me that sexual love was a passion whose force and nature was mysterious, and that anyone that came under its sway should be prepared to be destroyed by it.Its capacity to wreck lives, to humiliate otherwise strong and proud people and to drive them to suicide was already familiar to me. That it should also drive them to murder was part of the same story. Christine: 25: A troubled city girl from Central Europe, she could not settle in a dilapidated farmhouse in a landscape that highlighted her isolation. She longed for company. 31: Desp erately lonely, she was glad of any conversation that came her way. 31: Mikkelsen remembered her vividly†¦ he had the arresting presence of someone who experienced the world with a thoughtful intensity. 103: But for someone like my mother, highly intelligent, deeply sensuous, anarchic and unstable, this emphasis on character, given an Australian accent, provided the wrong conceptual environment for her to find herself and for others to understand her. p. 28: Setting fire to kill snake -> humiliation and ridicule in local paper. p. 29: Redemption by valiant intelligence in saving Mikkelson
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Medical School and Pediatrician Essay
Many job opportunities are available in different types of careers. Pediatricians like children and science; they help take care of sick patients. Becoming a pediatrician requires a lot of schooling and training; it involves many different skills for every day work. The salary of a pediatrician varies on the amount of education and on the skill level. There are many job opportunities in this profession; it is most likely to increase with openings. A pediatrician requires a generous amount of education after high school. The minimum education required to become a pediatrician is 4 years of college, 4 years or medical school, and 3 years of residency(YourPediatrician. com 1. ) The basics that most medical schools recommend are Biology; 1 course of genetics, 1 course of microbiology, and 1 course of molecular biology(2. ) Also, Chemistry, 1 -2 courses of organic chemistry, Physics, I course is basic, and Math 2 courses in calculus (2. ) A good way to get into colleges and medical schools is to have a lot of volunteer work on the applications, colleges love to see people are getting involved with your community and getting hands on training (Prerequisites for Becoming a Pediatrician 2. ) It may take a lot of schooling and be very time consuming to become a pediatrician but it defiantly pays off. Pediatricians need to have many different skills and talents. To be a successful pediatrician they need to have a strong love for children and a lot of patience (Prerequisites for Becoming a Pediatrician 1. )Children respond best to people who care about them (1. ) Students must get hands-on training and care for children with illness and their unique problems (1. ) They need to be exposed to a hospital setting as well as an office setting and be familiar with critical care issues (1. ) Some other major skills needed is to be able to instruct people on what to do, coordinating and using scientific rules to and methods to solve problems(California Career Zone 2. ) Being a pediatrician is a hard thing to do, not just talking about the education but about all the skills and experience needed.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Idiom and Expression Resources for ESL Learners
Idiom and Expression Resources for ESL Learners Sooner or later all English students learn idioms because English uses so many idiomatic expressions that it is truly impossible to learn English without learning at least a few, but these figures of speech and colloquialisms may be hard for some English as Second Language learners to immediately grasp, especially because they often rely on cultural norms in English-speaking countries to provide meaning for their use. In any case, ESL learners should employ the use of context clues to attempt to understand what someone might mean when they say I just killed two birds with one stone by uncovering that video of both of them at the scene of the crime, which means achieving two objectives with one effort. For this reason, stories involving a number of idioms - oftentimes folk tales and those written in dialectic (spoken) style - are some of the best resources for teachers and students of ESL alike. Context Clues and Weird Expressions Oftentimes a simple English-to-Spanish translation of an idiom will not make immediate sense because of the multitude of words and connotations the English language has to describe our everyday world, meaning that some of the actual intentions of the words might get lost in translation. On the other hand, some things just dont make sense taken out of the cultural context - especially considering many popular American English idioms have dubious and untraceable origins, meaning oftentimes English speakers say them without knowing why or from where they came into existence. Take for instance the idiom I feel under the weather, which translates in Spanish to Sentir un poco en el tiempo. While the words may make sense on their own in Spanish, being under weather would probably entail getting wet in Spain, but it implies feeling sick in America. If, though, the following sentence was something like I have a fever and havent been able to get out of bed all day, the reader would understand being under the weather means to not be feeling well. For more specific in-context examples, check out ​Johns Keys to Success, An Unpleasant Colleague, and My Successful Friend - which are all full of beautifully expressed idioms in easy-to-understand contexts. Idioms and Expressions with Specific Words and Verbs There are certain nouns and verbs that are used in a number of idioms and expressions; these idioms are said to collocate with a specific word such as put in put a fork in it or all in all in a days work. These general nouns are used repeatedly in English, and in the idioms are used to represent a commonality shared between multiple subjects. Like, around, come, put, get, work, all, and as [blank] as are all commonly used words associated with idioms, though the full list is fairly extensive. Similarly, action verbs are also often used in idiomatic expressions wherein the verb carries with it a certain universality to the action - such as walking, running or existing. The most common verb thats used in American idioms are forms of the verb to be. Check out these two quizzes (Common Idiomatic Phrases Quiz 1 and Common Idiomatic Phrases Quiz 2) to see if youve mastered these common idioms yet.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Hazardous Lawns essays
Hazardous Lawns essays In Canada three out of every ten households use pesticides and almost half use chemical fertilizers (Ring, n.d.). Considering the vast number of households in the country the amount of chemicals that are seeping into our food and ground water is enormous. Pesticides have been linked to cause illnesses in people and wildlife. However, households continue to fertilize their lawns every spring to kill insects and weeds in order to obtain the perfect lawn. Pesticides are used to eliminate pests and designed to kill various species of weeds in our lawns. They are very effective at making or grass greener and less patchy. Typical pesticides include; insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and bacterial disinfectants. In Canada the most common pesticides at present are chlorphenoxy compounds which are used to kill broad leaved plants. The major ingredient is 2,4-dichlorphenoxyacetic acid and during manufacture other substances may be produced which contaminate the product, including dioxins such as tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. The second most common herbicide used in domestic situations is glyphosate When a pesticide is sprayed only 5% of the spray actually hits the targeted location. Movement from wind volatilization and leaching spreads the pesticide around. It could contaminate up to 30 homes in a residential area. A study suggests up to 3% of pesticides applied to lawns are tracked inside from feet walking over the sprayed area. Its difficult to document the level of pesticides in humans. Although humans are one race, people with different ethnic backgrounds could react differently to studies done on them. Most tests are done on genetically identical laboratory animals and then extrapolated to humans (Ring, n.d.). Glyphosate herbicide is an organic acid which can affect the function of the liver, kidney, skin, eyes, and can cause symptoms such as anorexia, vomiting, and muscle weakness. Pesticides have al ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Spanish Words for Work
Spanish Words for Work Although the related Spanish words trabajo (noun) and trabajar (verb) likely first come to mind as translations for the English word work, in fact work has an array of meanings that must be conveyed in Spanish in other ways. Key Takeaways Trabajo (noun) and trabajar (verb) are frequently used to refer to human labor.Funcionar is commonly used when saying whether a thing works.Many idiomatic phrases using work need to be learned individually for translation. Translating 'Work' as Employment Trabajo and trabajar are frequently used to mean work when it refers to employment: Mi hermano busca trabajo. (My brother is looking for work.)Va al trabajo cada maà ±ana vestido de una camisa blanca. (He goes to work every day dressed in a white shirt.) ¿Quà © tipo de trabajo ests buscando? (What line of work are you looking for?)Si trabajamos es importante trazarnos metas realistas a cumplir. (If we work it is important to develop realistic goals to accomplish.)Katrina y yo trabajamos juntos. (Katrina and I work together.)La mayorà a de sus parientes masculinos trabajaron en la fbrica. (Most of her male relatives worked in the factory.) When work refers to a job, empleo can also be used: Segà ºn la agencia, el 65 por ciento de los hondureà ±os no tiene empleo. (According to the agency, 65 percent of Hondurans dont have work.)El empleo es la clave para erradicar la pobreza. (Work is the key to eradicating poverty.)Su empleo puede interferir con sus obligaciones acadà ©micas. (Your work can interfere with your academic obligations.) 'Work' Referring to Functioning When to work is a synonym of to function, funcionar can often be used: Este mà ©todo no funciona en todos los casos. (This method doesnt work in every case.)El modelo econà ³mico chino funciona bien. (The Chinese economic model works well.)Cuando una computadora funciona mal el primer paso es rehabilitar al operador. (When a computer works poorly the first step is to retrain the operator.) Similarly, to work meaning to have an effect can be translated as surtir efecto: La protesta campesina surte efecto. The farmworkers protest is working.Desgraciadamente, la medicina no surtià ³ efecto. Unfortunately, the medicine didnt work. 'To Work Out' The phrase work out can be translated in various ways depending on what is meant. As you learn Spanish, you may be best off thinking of other English words that have the same meaning and translate them instead: Todo muy biensale para Santos. (Everything worked out (turned out) very well for Santos.)Si hace ejercicio en un gimnasio, pida asistencia antes de probar algo nuevo. (If you work out (exercise) in a gymnasium, ask for help before trying something new.)Necesito ayuda para resolver estes crucigramas. (I need help to work out (solve) these crossword puzzles.) Similarly, if uses of work dont fit well in any of the above categories, see if you can think of a good English synonym and try translating that word instead: Est desempleado. (Hes out of work (unemployed).)Los peones labraban la tierra. (The farmhands worked (cultivated) the ground.)El artista prefiere pintar al à ³leo. (The artist prefers to work (paint) in oils.)Soy adicto a trabajo. (Im a workaholic (addicted to work).)Se puso frenà ©tico cuando leyà ³ la carta. (He worked himself into (became) a frenzy when he read the letter.)Fue impactado en el pecho por un tornillo que se soltà ³. He was struck in the chest by a screw that had worked itself loose (became loose).Este problema es imposibe de evitar. (This problem is impossible to work around (avoid).)Mi hermana completà ³ el proyecto escolar con rpidez. (My sister made short work (completed rapidly) of the school project.) There are also a few ways work is used that have specific equivalents, the most common being obra as an artistic creation: Nuestro sistema solar es una obra de arte. (Our solar system is a work of art.) Similarly, a reference work is an obra de referencia. The phrase piece of work or real piece of work, when referring to a person, can be translated in numerous ways, depending on precisely on what is meant. You could say, for example, the the person crea problemas (creates problems), es difà cil (is difficult), or es complicado (is complicated). There are also idiomatic phrases such as calling the person todo un personaje (loosely, quite a personality) or una buena pieza (literally, a good piece). The translations given above for work are far from the only possibilities, and are intended to give you a feel for the different ways of approaching translation of the word.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Analysis Report Tata Steel of India Research Paper - 1
Analysis Report Tata Steel of India - Research Paper Example The Indian Government has pursued a policy of progressively opening India’s local economy to foreign competition, and there is currently no levy or tax restriction on the import and export of iron and steel products. (India Ministry of Steel, 2009) The consequence of this is considered to be increased competition in the sector, and lower prices, particularly as set by Chinese steel producers for export. China produced over 10 times the steel capacity of India, at 567 million metric tons in 2009 compared to 56.1 million metric tons produced by India in the same period. (India Ministry of Steel, 2010) Nevertheless, Tata Steel has produced a corporate strategy to meet these competitive challenges, and this includes sustainability policies directed at the greater welfare of workers, the environment, and community. This report will review Tata Steel’s sustainability policies as implemented by corporate management to determine the success of these programs and to recommend ch anges that are mutually beneficial to the stakeholders of the company. Tata Steel states publicly that â€Å"the primary purpose of a business is to improve the quality of life of people.†(Tata Steel, 2011) This tenet constitutes the cornerstone of the company’s sustainability policy and represents the wider mandate held by corporate management on behalf of stakeholders. In India, there is a need for social and economic development that uplifts people out of poverty. One of the main processes that enable individuals to improve their living condition in the modern, globalized economy is the possession of a professional, well-paying job. Another factor is the level of education that an individual receives in the formative years of development.
Philosophy of the Person and Self Concept Essay - 1
Philosophy of the Person and Self Concept - Essay Example Locke in his An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and Jacques Rohault in his Ultimate Questions: Thinking About Philosophy use primarily ‘reason’ as their major tool for scientific research and methodological strength. He initially expresses doubt for ‘being’ and goes further to prove the reality of ‘being’. For him, when we doubt a thing or being, we then ipso facto, by virtue of the existence of ‘doubt’, must know that what we doubt exist as a reality. Doubt we must for Descartes. Otherwise, all apparent reality is a dream or an illusion. This is not an instance of contradiction in Descartes. Here, it is the order and tool of argument is important than any other thing. Descartes’ critics such as Johannes Caterus, Friar Marin Mersenne, Thomas Hobbes, Antoine Arnauld, Pierre Gassendi and Jesuit Pierre Bourdin point out quite a few criticisms. Â
Friday, October 18, 2019
Recruitment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Recruitment - Assignment Example 38). These stages give recruitment the outlook of the tool that finds the right person for the right job that goes beyond an activity for the human resource team to involve line managers as well. This paper will discuss recruitment in terms of the different ways and methods it is conducted, the wrong and right ways is usually done, and what the individuals conducting it should act. Recruitment methods that are available to organizations can be categorized broadly into two: internal and external recruitment, which can then be broken down into smaller methods (Alrichs 2000, p. 14). Internal recruitment aims at personnel already on the recruiting organization’s payroll and is a significant source of recruitment as it offers opportunities for the utilization and growth of the current human resource. The organization’s management may approach internal recruitment from the aspect of either promotions or transfers. Promotions involve upgrading existing employees by upward shif ts in responsibilities, status, facilities and remuneration (Maloney 2008, p. 114). On the other hand, transfers provide an alternative procedure to promotions, whereby employees are moved from their present work locations to new ones, and not necessarily on upward or downward shifts in their positions. Rather, transfers are simply an interchange of responsibilities, duties, departments or geographical locations. Transfers are the best way to generate qualified personnel from departments that are either over-staffed or redundant. Under the internal recruitment, two methods are available, which are employee referrals and job postings. Employee referrals do not recruit internal employees, but all potential candidates are nominations by current employees, mostly supervisors. The effectiveness of employee referrals is seen in how organizations can capture critically skilled employees known to their general workers. Job postings are open and equal-opportunity invitations to employees in an organization to submit applications for arising vacancies. The announcements are made via lists and bulletins accessible by all employees. Generally, internal recruitment methods are characterized by the advantage of being quicker and cheaper than most external methods. Internal recruitment also targets personnel the management already knows and can quickly evaluate their capabilities from their performances even without looking at their portfolios. Further, such targeted candidates are already familiar with the operations of the organization and are suitable for filling higher vacancies in the organizational hierarchy because they can psychologically motivate former peers to perform better. However, internal recruitment, with the exception of employee referrals, limits the chances of bringing in new talent because of its nature of restricting the number of applicants. This shuts out the introduction of external business ideas and may draw bitterness from candidates dropped by th e selection process (Herman & Joyce 2001, p. 186). Ultimately, internal recruitment will create another vacancy that will need to be filled. Some of the
Describe the key accounting concepts and discuss how they enhance the Essay
Describe the key accounting concepts and discuss how they enhance the usefulness of financial statements for external users - Essay Example Three of the most critical financial statements that companies must prepare at the end of every financial year include the statement of financial position, income statement and statement of cash flow (Atrill et al. 2011, p. 62). Because users of financial statements make decisions based on the information presented in these financial statements, accountants are expected to ensure that the information presented is as accurate as possible and are in tandem with the accounting concepts and principles. Accountants are expected to follow the accounting concepts and principles in preparing financial statements to ensure that users are not misled by the adoption of practices and policies that are in violation of the accounting profession. Therefore, before publishing, financial statements, accountants are expected to ensure that the treatment of the accounts is consistent with the established accounting concepts and policies. IASB Framework recognizes a number of accounting concepts that ac countants must adhere to in preparing the financial statements. The first major accounting concept followed in preparing final accounts is the going concern concept. When preparing financial statements, accountants are expected to make an assumption that the company will continue operating in the foreseeable future without the possibility of the management ceasing operations. Therefore, when preparing final accountants, accountants must assume that will realize its assets and pay its debts in the normal course of business operations. The adoption of going concern concept is critical since it informs the external users that the management of the company has no intention whatsoever of liquidating or ceasing the operation of the firm in the near future (Atrill et al. 2011, p. 67). Adoption of going concern concept in the preparation of final accounts is critical since it shows investors that their investments are safe as the company has no intention of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
SAP HR Module Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
SAP HR Module - Research Paper Example This report will outline some of the important aspects of HR Module including its major functions and features. SAP ERP HCM: An Overview SAP HCM is also called human resource management system that is commonly used to manage human resource related activities for an organization. With an integrated SAP ERP HCM software solution for managing all the human resource related operations, a business organization can be able to more enthusiastically recognize where their workforce's talents are at the present and bring into line the objectives of their employees with their business's overarching business policy. In addition, using this real-time approach to deal with human resources, a business is able to take advantage completely from human-capital policies and programs; and as a result determine their workforce's support to the bottom line. Additionally, by automating all the core human resource procedures, like that human resource management, legal reporting and payroll this modern techno logy based system increases the business performance and compliance with changing worldwide and local regulations. In fact, SAP ERP Human Capital Management system helps business organizations all through the globe to improve performance with well-organized, dedicated and motivated personnel. Moreover, with integrated building blocks and a matchless partner system, the system facilitates shared services and business operations outsourcing and minimizes operating expenses and risk for these operational models (SAP; kristine; Newman). Features and Functions SAP ERP Human Capital Management system encompasses characteristics, processes and end-user release alternatives to help business organizations manage the following business procedures (SAP; SAP2; kristine; Newman). End-user Service Delivery: This module of SAP ERP HCM facilitates the organization in delivery of ERP services both with business content to the entire organization and beyond. Basically, the customer service delivery b usiness process provides the clients with numerous alternatives to access ERP features and services, depending on the nature of their tasks, their preferences, and the business context (SAP; SAP2; kristine; Newman). Workforce Analytics: This module of SAP ERP HCM facilitates timely approaching into the staff that allows a business organization to take advantage of integrated human capital policy and programs, and determine their workforce’s potential to the bottom line (SAP; SAP2; kristine; Newman). Talent Management: This module of SAP ERP HCM offers a great deal of support to people all through every stage of their services, from staffing through development, training and retention. It also allows them to recruit the appropriate people, place their expertise to most outstanding use, bring into line worker objectives with business objectives by augmenting the influence of training, and maintain the tasks for the top performers. In addition, SAP ERP HCM also allows the organi zations to develop and deploy talent more quickly and flexibly as compared to ever before. In this scenario, the result facilitates and puts together all the talent management procedures, as a result organizations are able to acquire, attract, train and guide, and expand talent, identify and produce future leaders; and bring into line and motivate talent with
Cultural Sensitivity in China Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cultural Sensitivity in China - Assignment Example The language should be easy to comprehend, easy to relate to their culture and should be attractive to woo clients from diverse social settings. This issue will specifically enable the company to know how to advertise and promote their new set of engines. When doing an advertisement, it is necessary to understand their culture and languages to avoid misconception of the original idea intended or annoy the audience instead. For example, it is not allowed to discuss business at meals, they prefer conservative dress codes either male or female as revealing clothes are considered offensive. Their behavior dictates that one should not use hand movements while communicating and avoid pointing while speaking. Understanding these basic norms will help company A to establish when, how, where and what to advertise. According to Confucius, music is highly regarded and appreciated by the Chinese people hence incorporating music in advertisements will capture the attention of the people. The othe r cross-cultural issue is one of an image as presented by the market as perceived by the company and the globe at large. Their historical background of the automobile industry and their current major strategies are the major concern regarding the noted issue. The Chinese automobile industry has come a long way since 1931 during the Republican era till date whereby it is currently rated the largest automobile manufacturer with BYD, Geely and Chery, three major Chinese brands being among car brands ranked top ten in 2009. This shows the potentiality of company A to succeed in the Chinese market since there is a large market for extra heat hardened engines and specialized machined engine components for Chinese automobile manufacturers. This comprehensive understanding of the Chinese history of automobiles and its current state will contribute to the larger automobile image of China as perceived by foreigners and this will assist company A to design appropriate adverts and formulate a p roper marketing plan to propagate the media campaign. The traditions, beliefs, and religion of China will influence company A’s branding and packaging of the engines. For instance, the dragon is a major symbolic aspect central to Chinese culture. Knowing this, company A could easily attract notable client attention by including the word dragon or its actual image on the engines’ models. In this case, cultural beliefs or traditions will act as the main basis of company A’s strategic approach. For instance, the majority of Chinese are Buddhists; they worship in shrines located mostly in mountainous terrains. It is their culture to walk through long distances to places of worship. Company A can take advantage of this long distance and mountainous terrains to promote its strong engines as better options for transport.Â
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
SAP HR Module Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
SAP HR Module - Research Paper Example This report will outline some of the important aspects of HR Module including its major functions and features. SAP ERP HCM: An Overview SAP HCM is also called human resource management system that is commonly used to manage human resource related activities for an organization. With an integrated SAP ERP HCM software solution for managing all the human resource related operations, a business organization can be able to more enthusiastically recognize where their workforce's talents are at the present and bring into line the objectives of their employees with their business's overarching business policy. In addition, using this real-time approach to deal with human resources, a business is able to take advantage completely from human-capital policies and programs; and as a result determine their workforce's support to the bottom line. Additionally, by automating all the core human resource procedures, like that human resource management, legal reporting and payroll this modern techno logy based system increases the business performance and compliance with changing worldwide and local regulations. In fact, SAP ERP Human Capital Management system helps business organizations all through the globe to improve performance with well-organized, dedicated and motivated personnel. Moreover, with integrated building blocks and a matchless partner system, the system facilitates shared services and business operations outsourcing and minimizes operating expenses and risk for these operational models (SAP; kristine; Newman). Features and Functions SAP ERP Human Capital Management system encompasses characteristics, processes and end-user release alternatives to help business organizations manage the following business procedures (SAP; SAP2; kristine; Newman). End-user Service Delivery: This module of SAP ERP HCM facilitates the organization in delivery of ERP services both with business content to the entire organization and beyond. Basically, the customer service delivery b usiness process provides the clients with numerous alternatives to access ERP features and services, depending on the nature of their tasks, their preferences, and the business context (SAP; SAP2; kristine; Newman). Workforce Analytics: This module of SAP ERP HCM facilitates timely approaching into the staff that allows a business organization to take advantage of integrated human capital policy and programs, and determine their workforce’s potential to the bottom line (SAP; SAP2; kristine; Newman). Talent Management: This module of SAP ERP HCM offers a great deal of support to people all through every stage of their services, from staffing through development, training and retention. It also allows them to recruit the appropriate people, place their expertise to most outstanding use, bring into line worker objectives with business objectives by augmenting the influence of training, and maintain the tasks for the top performers. In addition, SAP ERP HCM also allows the organi zations to develop and deploy talent more quickly and flexibly as compared to ever before. In this scenario, the result facilitates and puts together all the talent management procedures, as a result organizations are able to acquire, attract, train and guide, and expand talent, identify and produce future leaders; and bring into line and motivate talent with
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Diabetes type 1 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Diabetes type 1 - Research Paper Example Inability of patients to control the levels of glucose in the blood through the normal mechanism makes their body adopt a new mechanism to control its blood sugar level leading to the disease. The condition affects about 17 per 100,000 school-aged children in the US. The condition is mostly prevalent in the Scandinavian countries, Eastern Europe and South East Asia (Alemzadeh 76). Early diagnosis and treatment is the most appropriate way for dealing with the problem. This research paper analyzes the role of technology in the diagnosis and management of type 1 diabetes. Diagnosis and Treatment According to Alemzadeh, early diagnosis management of type 1 diabetes is the most appropriate procedure for dealing with the problem (32). The researchers concluded that managing the condition among young children was a difficult undertaking. This is because young children require guidance by a guardian to oversee their medication. The researchers concluded their research based on the findings o f a quantitative research designed to establish the prevalence of type 1 diabetes. The survey established that 7.5% of the affected families did not exercise correct hypoglycemia care for their children. The survey also established that poor application of hypoglycemia care to children suffering from type I diabetes was the main cause of long-term complications resulting from the illness. It has also been established that most victims of type 1 diabetes do not live to their adulthood. In addition, those who make it to adulthood suffer from other opportunistic infections or health conditions such as cancers, blindness and amputations. This indicates that early diagnosis and management are significant for the management of the condition. Type I diabetes has no known specific cause and this complicates its treatment and management. Some of these causes are avoidable while others cannot be avoided. In addition, the disease has no known cure and patients depend on control through insulin injection. Management and control of the disease are therefore the main method that is applied in dealing with the disease. It is also important to note that patients who do not follow the advice given by the doctor such as taking insulin injection at regular time intervals may suffer from severe complications as a result. Complications resulting from mismanagement may lead to long-term ailments such as loss of eyesight and even to death. Proper nutrition is the basic management practices for type 1 diabetes patients. The condition is caused by imbalance of blood sugar levels. This implies that the patients suffer from excessive or insufficient glucose in their blood leading to body malfunctioning. A proper diet includes regular low starch foods and plenty of water. In addition, patients require emergency glucose intake when their blood sugar level goes below the required levels. According to Camilleri, proper diet is the most effective method of controlling type I diabetes (876). The researcher concluded that most of the complications resulting from type 1 diabetes are related to poor nutrition. His research recommends technological innovations and application as the most appropriate strategy for dealing with the problem. In this case, application of technology will enhance proper information and monitoring of patients. According to Farrar, application of information technology will contribute to proper diet among diabetes patients. With the current advancements in technology, patients can access information about
Monday, October 14, 2019
Coffee Bean Essay Example for Free
Coffee Bean Essay The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf was founded by Mona and Herbert Hyman and it is established in Los Angeles, California in the year 1963. The first Coffee Bean Tea Leaf were established here in Malaysia in 1997. The company offers a wide variety of its own signature beverages that ranges from coffee to non-coffee drinks and launched their very own signature drink; â€Å"The Original Ice Blended†in 1989 and has been the main highlight of its company ever since. We will take a look into the possibility of bringing in a new product that could be a mainstay for the Ice Blended range that is already available here in Malaysia. Currently, the range of its Ice Blended drinks is limited to several coffee and non-coffee drinks. Although from time to time Coffee Bean has been introducing promotional and seasonal Ice Blended drinks, none of these drinks will be served in the main menu after that the promotion is over. With this. Although a majority of Malaysians like to drink coffee oriented drinks, With the introduction of the Honeydew Ice Blended to the market, it will help boost the challenge of bringing in new flavors for the market. Situation Analysis The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf is entering its fifteenth year of operation in Malaysia with many of its products ranging from its well known â€Å"The Original Ice Blended†beverages which carries coffee and non-coffee drinks have been well received by the public. However. 2.2 SWOT Analysis The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses for the proposed product and describes the opportunities and threats that it will face. 2.2.1 Strength The Honeydew Ice Blended drink is offered during the summer seasons and it is well known as the refreshing summer drink in United States. With summer all year long in the South East Asia region, this product has also been proven as a main-stay in the Philippines and Singapore’s The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf. This product carries a cool, chilling and refreshing sweet taste which suits the pallets of the South East Asian region. 2.2.2 Weaknesses This product may not be suitable for coffee drinkers as the drink does not offer any coffee taste and it’s a fruit oriented drink. It’s also not suitable for those who are watching their calories and diet as the drink carries a high calorie range due to the sweetness and the cream that the drink offers. As this product targets the youth which comprises of teens and working adults in their twenties, some may be price sensitive to this beverage offer as it may be expensive compared to the local. 2.2.3 Opportunities Younger generations, whom fell under the legal drinking age, are known as one of the fastest-growing segments of the beverages market. These generations prefer fresh and upcoming products rather than stagnant products that they have consumed daily. With a brand new product being introduced, it will trigger the targeted younger generation with the enthusiasm to go. The lifestyle factors converger. 2.2.4 Threats Global coffee and tea market have been increasingly growing and it has since been an extremely competitive sector. Coffee Bean Tea Leaf goes up against its closest rivals such as Starbucks, Dome, Cha Time and Old Town Cafà © here in Malaysia. Competition The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf has been a powerhouse brand in providing its ice blended beverages. However, there are companies that do make similar ice blended beverages such as Starbucks and Cha Time. The Coffee Bean Tea Lead has the upper hand because of the creation of the â€Å"The Original Ice Blended†line which gives the company the extra edge. Although the mentioned competitors have been making ice blended beverages, The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf has its own signature way of making these beverages special and cannot be matched with its competitors.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Soviet Union, Communism, and the Vietnam War Essay example -- Commu
A quarter of a century after the Fall of Saigon, Vietnam continues to exercise a powerful hold of the American psyche. No deployment of American troops abroad is considered without the infusion of the Vietnam question. No formulation of strategic policy can be completed without weighing the possibility of Vietnanization. Even the politics of a person cannot be discussed without taking into account his opinion on the Vietnam Ware. This national obsession with Vietnam is perfectly national when viewed from a far. It was the only war that the United States has ever lost. It defined an era of American history that must rank with the depression as one of this nation’s most traumatic. It concluded with Watergate and led many to believe that the United States was in decline. Even with the sobering effect of time, passions concerning American policy and behavior in Southeast Asia reach a level normally associated with sensitive social issues. To understand why, one must look at Vietn am in the proper context. American involvement occurred in the middle of, and was the most visible engagement, of the defining paradign of the post World War II era, the Cold War. Only through this prism can the Vietnam experience be defined.      One of the seven global powers entering World War II; the United States emerged as an undisputed â€Å"superpower.†Her economic and military night was overwhelming in a world ravaged by five years of total war. The only adversary of comparable power was a notion at the opposite end of the ideological spectrum, the Soviet Union. As the vanguard of the communist world, the U.S.S.R.’s raison d’etve was the facilitate the overthrow of the global capitalist system and replace it with a â€Å"dictatorship of the proletariat.†Thus the explicit mission of American Foreign policy after 1945 was opposition to communist advancement anywhere in the world. This took many forms and was backed by key assumption.      Central among then was the avoidance of a direct military confrontation between the Unites States and the Soviet Union. With the U.S.S.R. achieving nuclear capability in 1947 and both sides expanding their armed forces, a full out war was deemed unacceptable. The result of such a war was seen to be catastrophic to the survival of the planet. The lesson of the Korean War only reinforced this assumption. The infusion of Chinese troops quickly escalated ... In fact, relations between Vietnam and China cooled considerably and even led to a brief border war between the two in the late 1970s. Vietnam also never became a threat to its region. While undoubtedly communist, Vietnam has never become a stridently aggressive Marxist state in the mold of North Korea, or even Cuba.      The Cold War was to the rubric with which America Foreign Policy was formulated during the post World War II era. Confrontation and what was thought to be an inevitable war with the Soviet Union became the starting point of all American Strategic thinking. In this context, the U.S.’s relations with all countries had to be looked upon with the Soviet Union and communism in mind. This particularly held true with regards to Vietnam. Having â€Å"lost†China and gone through a war on the Korean peninsula, American policy makers felt that any more communist aggression had to be stopped at all costs. Mixing in the fact that an important ally was intent about keeping her colony, and distrust of Ho Chih Minh and his regime all combined to draw the Unites States into a conflict that was neither winnable or so unimportant as to allow the United States to disengage itself.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
President Bill Clintons Impeachment :: William Jefferson Clinton Essays
Clinton's Impeachment In 1998 the American public was riveted by headlines detailing the private sexual encounters of our president and a White House employee. For the first time in US history, a sitting president had every aspect of his personal life presented to the public for debate. As the smoke cleared, discussions began to question what trend had allowed the media to print such sordid details about our top elected official. Suddenly, our Commander in Chiefs private life warranted front-page news. What gave us the right to invade his privacy? The theories presented to answer this question blame everything from technology to a lack of morality. Many feel the information age has allowed the public such a high degree of exposure to headline news-bites that the competition for an original, attention grabbing story has forced the media to dig deeper to hold public interest. Others say the success of tabloid media in the late eighties and early nineties is to blame. They proved that scandal sells. Political analysts believe Clinton can only blame himself. During his first campaign he answered personal questions openly and with amusement. Even an extrinsic question about his choice of underwear was acceptable. GOP leadership would have us believe it is a conspiracy lead by the Republican Party in an attempt to gain control of the White House. Religious leaders think American morality has sunk so low that all this news of scandal has just become perverse entertainment. Journalists in an attempt to justify the story wil l argue it is our right to know. It would be reasonable to assume that each of these factors contributed to the end result. It may be necessary to look into the history books to find the root cause for this. We know from biographies written about former presidents that there were very few who can claim they had nothing to hide. In contrast with the current trend there was actually very little scandalous press written during their respective terms. Harry Truman was the harbinger of change. He almost lost his bid for re-election when some of the countries most respected newspapers printed allegations, based mostly on rumor, that he was involved in the corrupt politics of Thomas Pendergast. This was a departure from the term of James Garfield in 1881.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Higher education Essay
Modern day education is aided with a variety of technology, computers, projectors, internet, and many more. Diverse knowledge is being spread among the people. Everything that can be simplified has been made simpler. Science has explored every aspect of life. There is much to learn and more to assimilate. Internet provides abysmal knowledge. There is no end to it. One can learn everything he wishes to. Every topic has developed into a subject. New inventions and discoveries have revealed the unknown world to us more variedly. Once a new aspect is discovered, hundreds of heads start babbling over it, and you get a dogma from hearsay. Not only our planet but the whole universe has become accessible. Now we have good and learned teachers to impart us with knowledge of what they know. Every one is a master in his field. We and our children are getting taught by professionals of their field. Presently our education is based on making us the best in our area of interest, to help us reach our goals more easily. More of the fact based knowledge is being grasped by us. What we learn helps us in our career and in our profession. Professionalism is deep-rooted in our society now and this education makes us so. Skill-development and vocational education has added a new feather to the modern system of education. There is something to learn for everyone. Even an infant these days goes to a kindergarten. And a little grown, mentally and physically is promoted to a Montessori. Everything is being categorized, be it a primary, middle, a higher secondary or graduate school. We have temples of education known by a familiar word the â€Å"university†. Whatsoever we are getting educated day by day and what’s good about is that it’s a never-ending process. Rightly said by Aristotle, â€Å"Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refugee in adversity. †is what everybody feels now. THE CON’S Well, that was the positive side, but every story has two telling. Of all the virtue, our education system has developed into mere schooling now. New trends are being developed which are far more a baloney that boon. Albert Einstein once said â€Å"Education is that which remains, if one has forgotten everything one learned in school. †Firstly our education is confined to schools and colleges. It has become a process of spoon feeding. â€Å"Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon†were the words of E. M. Forster. We are being fed with facts and knowledge. Not art, not books, but life itself is the true basis of teaching and learning. Cramming of facts and dates, hi-fi mathematical formulas, theories and doctrines should be at college levels when one has chosen his area of interest. What will the history pay a doctor or a mathematician, or medical terms to a historian? Secondly, an art can only be learned from a workshop of those who are earning their bread from it. Modern education has spread more ignorance than knowledge. Most of the women even don’t know, where, the fabric they are wearing, came from. The word â€Å"How†is missing in our world which causes ignorance. â€Å"Education†¦has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading. †says G. M. Trevelyan. Thirdly all education is bad which is not self-education. Presently, children after school are sent to tuitions. This is a clear question mark on the ability of school teacher. Homework tutorials are mushrooming up in our society. Students are thought of like they can’t do anything on their own and so are sent even to do the homework. Our schoolings got a lot of loop-holes. They guide us through a well catered pathway which finally leads to professionalism. Homework is a waste of time, if it is to repeat class work done today or to be repeated as class work to be done tomorrow. Our schooling does not leave us with time to get educated. Mark Twain once said that†I have never let my schooling interfere with my education†. Our child’s normal routine has become to wake up early, brush up their minds with light reading, go to school, then go to tuition and finally come home and do the homework. Finally our education is producing machines out of pupil. They read books, they speak books and they do books. Discussing in class lead to complications, which remains as confusions for a life time if left untreated. Vladimir Nabokov, a U. S critic, poet and novelist says â€Å"Discussion in class, which means letting twenty young blockheads and two cocky neurotics discuss something that neither their teacher nor they know. †So, it’s a matter of debate that our education system is fallacious or fair.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
National Health Service Reorganization
Any UK government is faced with a long list of health issues, this list would include macro questions such as the relationship of the National Health Service (NHS) to broader policies which might affect the health of the population and how to finance and staff health services. The NHS has gone through many stages of development in the last century, however the 1990 act introduced the most radical accounting control system since the birth of the NHS. Much accounting research has been developed on this topic and this paper will bring together some of their findings. By the late 1980†³s general management in the NHS was in full force, and expectations of ‘management discipline†were high, however there were a series of recurrent crisis. These crises were particularly evident in the hospital services and were caused by a combination of scarcity of compatible resources and an infinite demand for health care. Through a fundamental view of operations in 1989, two reviews were drawn up by the department of health, ‘working for patients†and ‘caring for people†(DoH, 1989a, 1989b), and these formed the basis of the NHS and Community Care Act 1990. The main focus of the impact was the concept of the internal market. This essentially involved the separation of two of the main functions of the NHS, purchasing and providing. Purchasing is defined as the buying of health services to satisfy local needs and providing, is defined as the day to day business of delivering that care. The purchasing agencies are provided with a budget which reflects their defined population, from which they must identify health needs, plan ways to satisfy them while ensuring the quality of the service. When the purchaser identifies their requirements, they produce a contract with the providers, who in turn invoice the purchaser for the materials and services provided. This illustrates the ‘Quasi-market†in operation, a Quasi-market being a market which seems to exist but doesn†t really. Flynn (1993) described the internal markets in the NHS as a mechanism to match supply with demand, and allow hospitals to compete on price and quality to attract patients. This new ideology of governance of the NHS has changed dramatically, especially through the Thatcher administration. Harrison (1997) describes how there are three ways of co-ordinating the activities of a multiplicity organisation, through markets, clans and hierarchies. Clans and hierarchies are based on using the process of co-operation to produce an ordered system of outcomes. The historic NHS was built very much around them; a combination of bureaucracy and professional culture; labelled as ‘professional bureaucracy†by Pugh and Hichson (1976). The new NHS is now reflected as having a market orientated organisation. The reformed NHS was established on 1st April 1991. On that day the internal market became operational, it†s main features were, that there is a fixed level of ‘demand†whose total is determined by NHS funding, trading takes place among a large number of buyers and sellers, and there is competition among suppliers. In this market it should be expected that managers respond with price, quality and branding as weapons of competitive behaviour (Flynn 1993). Llewellyn (1993) described the introduction of an ‘internal†or ‘Quasi-market†in health and social care, as a reaction to and was practically enabled, by an expanding population. Her research that looked at two factors, which forced reform in the NHS, demographic trends and technological advancement. The first factor focused on the growing problem facing nation states in the developed world is that of an ageing population and hence a greater dependence on the NHS in future years. Between 1961 and 1990 the percentage of the UK population over sixty five increased by one third and the numbers aged eighty five and over, more than doubled (Population Trends 1992). The second factor looked at the advancing technology of medical care across the developed world, which offered a new range of medical services and techniques. These advances however caused a problematic escalation in the supply and demand for medical treatment, and therefore total cost of that treatment to the purchaser. The basic rationale of her paper, was how the introduction of a market into health care causes an anticipated stimulus to competition and hence constant improvement in resource allocation and cost management. Hood (1994) identified two aims of the government in office as regard to the public sector, first the desire to lessen or eliminate differences between modes of private and public sector organisation. Secondly, the intention of exerting more control over the actions of public sector professionals. However, to discuss the first aim it is important to realise that there is a fundamental difference between developing a customer orientation in the private sector and a user orientation system in the public services (Flynn 1993). Private sector problems tend to be in efforts to market their products or services to the consumer, usually in competition with other firms. Whereas, public sector problems tend to be trying to deter too many people using their services, as opposed to attracting them. Therefore, this produces a fundamental problem in the trying to eliminate these aspects. Several issues caused the government desire not only to control, but also to make resource usage more efficient. Firstly the deepening public sector problems had to be addressed, and the adoption of more accountable systems seemed a perfect solution. There was also the desire not only to be able to control but also reduce public expenditure. Finally, political promises were made to reduce the share of public expenditure in National Income, to curtail the range of functions being performed by government, whilst also seeking to improve, nurture and stimulate the business attitudes and practices necessary to re-launch Britain as a successful capitalist economy, this was a conservative attitude. The government therefore promoted the view that accountable management reforms are needed for the public sector to be more accountable to those who receive, pay for or monitor public services; to provide services in a more effective, efficient and publicly responsible fashion (Humphrey 1991). The emergence of an internal market for health services inevitably resulted in the emergence of various accounting techniques, their purpose was to act as a stimulus to ensure efficient allocation of resources and to minimise costs. The increasing competition derived from this market created a need for management control systems. Hood (1994) categorised international accountable management as having up to seven dimensions, for government implementation of a system in the public sector. First, that it sought a greater disaggregation of public sector organisations, secondly, it would be searching for a stronger competitive use of private sector management techniques. Thirdly, a heavier emphasis on efficiency of resource usage, fourthly, reforms in accountability management. Fifthly a clearer specification of input/output relationships, sixthly, a greater use of measurable performance standards and targets, and finally, the use of ‘hands on†management of staff in control. These categories relate to Hood†s (1994) two aims, discussed previously, with the first three dimensions relating to his first aim of eliminating differences of public and private sector organisations. The four are geared towards the second aim of control. Hood†s research was based on a comparative study of cross-national experience of accountable management reforms. Arguably the views on the adoption of management control systems in the public sector depends on our position in society. As our society is more focused on markets, competitiveness and efficiency, it is likely that accounting techniques will play an important role, however, the importance of keeping the welfare of our society should be first and foremost. After all the goals of public sector organisations should differ from those in the private sector (e. g. they should not be profit maximisers). The objective of the NHS as an organisation remains unchanged since the reforms, in terms of securing an improvement in the state of the health of the population. However, it is now faced with the dilemma, that the means of achieving this greater improvement has been surfaced with financial considerations (Mellett 1998). One of the consequences of the reforms carried out on the NHS, after the NHS and Community Care Act 1990, is that at the level of health care delivery, it has been fragmented into over 500 separate trusts. Each of these trusts is a clearly defined autonomous unit which has an obligation to monitor performance in terms of both finance and patient care activity (Clatworthy et al 1997). This was the governments preferred mode of organisation and it becomes universal along with the associated accounting regime (Mellet 1998). Mellett (1998), looked at how the revised accounting system operated within trusts, and found that their procedures included a system of capital accounting; it†s objective was to increase the awareness of health service managers of the cost of capital and the incentive to use that capital efficiently. However, introducing a new control system into an organisation, and also the fact the management team are unlikely to have experience in it†s application, could lead to several implementing problems and introduce another element of risk. Preston et al (1992) emphasis, that when a new accounting method is introduced, it is naive to assume that by simply assembling the components of a system, that the desired or officially intended outcome will be achieved. Since 1979 the UK government has tended to favour private sector management styles and culture (Flynn 1992), although there has been many debates about the different contrasts between the adaptable, dynamic, entrepreneurial private sector management styles and the bureaucratic, cautious, inflexible, rule bound public sector management. Could this be due to the strain on public sector managers, who work on a tight budget, and also that scope for reward in expanding the organisation is limited. So can we compare managers in the public sector with those in the private sector, for example accountability structures make managers jobs different from those of the private services. A public service manager for example, could be instructed to keep a hospital open, while the regional authorities may have different ideas and wish the hospital to close. This dubious accountability has no resemblance to the private sector, where managers are ultimately accountable to shareholders (Flynn 1992). An important part of managerial work in the public sector involves managing the relationship between the organisation and the political process. Therefore, the government is faced a health policy dilemma; how to reconcile increasingly flexible NHS management and greater freedom to become competitive, with requirements for manageability of the NHS, for public accountability, and for political management (Sheaff et al 1997). The government then introduced a process to set about placing former private sector directors, into director positions of NHS trusts. Therefore directly introducing private sector experience into public sector management. However, Sheaff et al (1997) research, found that board members of trusts, with a predominant NHS background were likely to be less conservative, more flexible and less risk adverse than those with a non-NHS background. This highlights the emphasis put on different management styles associated with the public and private sector, and puts into doubt these classifications when developing the ‘strategy of managerialism†for the NHS. The new era of the NHS has left managers of trusts faced with a new dilemma, they are now accountable to producing two sets of information, finance activity and patient care activity. Clatworthy (1993) identified three users of this information, the electorate, the consumers of the public service and central government politicians. All these groups will have an interest in the NHS, but their concerns are likely to focus on different aspects of this information. This gives the managers the task of balancing two incompatible goals. As part of the NHS, trusts are charged with the intangible task of improving the state of the nations health, while also having to remain financially viable (Clatworthy 1993). Jackson (1985) perceives that by their very nature, performance indicators motivate individuals and cause them to modify their behaviour in order to meet the targets set. Could this give rise to anxieties of how managers could react to potentially bad results? Published performance indicators issued cover aspects such as percentage of patients seen by a hospital within 13 weeks. Looking at this as an example; this indicator could be enhanced by treating as a priority those that have been waiting longest, but these patients may not be those, whose health status would benefit most from treatment (Clatworthy 1993). It could be argued that in the pursuit of a goal, managers lower the possible increase in overall welfare. These performance indicators, both financial and patient care are produced in an annual report, although superficially similar to it†s private sector counterpart it is not addressed to an audience which can exercise control. Unlike a private sector shareholders meeting, the directors of the public sector trust cannot be removed from their position by a voting process, so it†s existence can be perceived as not a tool of control. This paper has analysed the introduction of the new reforms taken place in the NHS in the early nineties. The reasons for change were identified as being the change in the demographic structure of the UK population and the increased emphasis of technological advancement in medical health care, and their effect on the financial burden of the health service to the government. Changes brought about were to increase cost effectiveness and encourage efficient use of the scarce resources available to the NHS. Due to the competitive nature of the internal market, many management control techniques have been implemented to aid managers of designated hospital trusts to meet their budget targets. Due to the complexity of these systems, many trusts have had previously private sector managers, appointed as directors in charge of managing the budget. Many fears have been raised that these budget constraints and the introduction of performance indicators will have a detrimental effect on the health service†s ultimate aim, to improve the overall state of the nation†s health. It seems that managers are stuck in a conflict of interests, of whether to keep financial control of the trust, by cutting back in the overall service offered to the public.
Wisma Atria
Breadbasket Private Limited marks Its virgin birth at Parch Bugs Junction (retail outlet) on 1st July 2000. With a remarkable period of five months, on December 2000, it ventures into its second venue at Novena Square and further enterprise onto its third outlets closer to the HAD heartlands, Junction 8 shopping centre. Breadbasket has established a firm foundation In local market with Just three years, It Is a listed company on March 2003. It has adopted 4 type generation concept design for retail outlets since year 2000 to 201 2, however there Is a constant In all outlets which is the transparent open kitchen.With just a piece of clear glass that separate the customers from the chefs, it is an apparent indication of its quality of the breads that are served fresh daily. (Breadbasket Group Limited, 2014) Since 2012, breadbasket team diverts its attention In strengthening their core competencies, broadening Its business to 15 countries, Including Mainland China, Hong Kong and Indones ia (737 bakery outlets, 58 food atria and 41 restaurants) Since its foresight in expanding into international market, it has initiated various house brand such as Breadbasket, Toast Box, They Mom Chant, Food Republic, Rampantly andThe Icing Room; and also franchises Din ATA Fun from Taiwan and Carol's Jar from USA. (Breadbasket Group, 2012). With Its long achievements lists. Breadbasket Group Limited Is a creditable International company who has great foresight in anchoring its stand beyond Singapore. Political Breadbasket Is Initiated by a Singapore named Dry George Queue who sees the stability of Singapore In her economic and development. Singapore Is one of the lowest corporate tax rates and smooth growth In business among Salsa countries. Singapore Economic Development Board, 2014) Economic According to the statistic reports on its refined annual breakdown, affirming Its Investor and public that It Is a stable company and has been consistently making increasing profit over the y ears. And, it has managed its cash flow well by investing in property, plant, equipment and joint venture. However in the recent years the dividends paid out to the shareholders of the company have fluctuated which may be due to the following factors such as the stiff competition between the many bakery stores blossoming over the years, short and long term loans that the company has. Breadbasket Group Limited, 2012) Social brands, four hundred and forty-eight outlets spreading over thirteen countries in South East Asia and Middle East. (Breadbasket Group Limited, 2014) Looking into microscopic aspect of the business; on the brand breadbasket in Singapore as it is one of the driving revenue for the company. To date as of 17th June, there are six branches in the north and west zones respectively, seven in the east and south zones respectively and fifteen branches in the central zones.It affirms the strategy that breadbasket Group Limited display to focus on the prime areas in the cent ral zones where the higher income working class and tourists are, as for the remaining zones breadbasket is situated at the heartlands, which are more populated. Breadbasket Group Limited, 2014) Technological Living in a technological advance era, Breadbasket has keep up with the trend by having well- furnished website and faceable page that provides information in regards to the company and their products.Breadbasket is constantly making sure that they are on tracks with the latest trend, for example in line with the world cup 2014, it launch a series of bread with innovative names such as Go Goal, Surreptitiously, Dillon and Supersets. (Breadbasket Group Limited, 2014) Environmental Breadbasket has most of its ingredients imported from Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Despite the high cost and short lifespan of the individual products, the top notch quality of ingredients give robust quality assurance and give the consumer value for money products.They also i ntroduce seasonal products such as Sahara flower from Japan, chestnut from China and strawberry from Korea. (TRY EMERITUS, 2014) Legal Breadbaskets signature floss bread which has sweep Singapore by storm when it first launch, does not seem to have any copyright protection. However breadbasket the name of the brand and its logo rights are possess by Breadbasket Group Limited. The threats of new entrants The capital cost for a bakery in reference to its the production and equipment cost are low which eventually set a low barrier for new entrants.As there are no copyrights to the individual created breads, imitation to the variety breads are somewhat effortless. Products in the bakery industry are facing very substantial threat from F that caters to light snacks take away offering a different taste for the consumers to replace breads. The lower pricing for these light snacks remain very alluring. Suppliers The basic elements to make a bread are flour, eggs and wheat which are relative ly cheap for any buyers to purchase. The quality of the products do not differ much across suppliers hence it creates more opportunities for new entrants to enter and compete with breadbasket.Due to this, breadbasket is not able to increase the price of its products. Customers Customers are spoilt with choices to unprecedented number of bakery stores. In Just a short walking distances, customers are exposed not Just to bakery stores but also light snacks stores such as Jellybean, Mr. Bean, Old Change Eke etc which are relatively similar in term of the price. Intensity of Rivalry With the low production cost; Breadbasket has very intense rivalry in the market with Akers stores such as Four Leaves, Prima Deli Bakery, Coddle, Swiss bakery and individual neighborhood bakery.Every single one of them have different innovative strategy to sell their products however the breads' taste and quality do not differ much from each other. Conclusion Breadbasket has been constantly expanding its bu siness, however that would mean an increase of cost in rental in particular in the prime areas and manpower in the midst of the intense rivalry. It will result in the decrease in its return of its profit revenue and relatively low sustainability in the long term. They might need to insider to either closing or lowering the scale of branches that have lower profit margin.Nevertheless we need to applaud on breadbasket for its continual effort in creating new products ( 10 products every 4 months ) and give a hearing ear to the public their prefer choice of breads which are evidenced in its new launch of people's choice Floss Black Pepper Crab Bun (2014). It has also portray as a socially responsible company by introducing the Panda look alike buns where all the proceeds go to the terror of the 7. 8 magnitude earthquake in China. Fresh ideas for their retail outlets together with its open kitchens to showcase the reduction and skills of the bakers.It has also been investing increasing amounts of money on purchasing of property, plant and equipment to keep up with constant stiff competition. Lastly, Breadbasket Group has a very capable and experienced director Dry George Queue who has more than thirty years of F experiences to oversee the whole business and employing diversification strategy in expanding and franchising various brands besides breadbasket. With George and his team competency to keep up with the trends and foresight for fresh business opportunities are critical to the continual success of breadbasket.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
E-Business Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
E-Business Systems - Essay Example The mission statement of Reebok includes two very significant aspects; Through online retailing Reebok is indeed trying to reach nearer the customer and igniting the passion for more purchases. Listening to the requirements of the time and IT era, Reebok has indeed put in lot of successful efforts to make the online retailing site more customer friendly. Reebok has earned a name for itself in the field of sporting goods and sponsorships, therefore to maintain the leading brand identity requires investments with adaptive and corrective actions at crucial junctures. E-business is just one such step. It can be safely said that, 'Information is power! It is an asset that can help overcome the glorious uncertainties and opens new avenues for doing business. Marketing, plays a crucial role in this entire business process. For an effective marketing strategy psychological needs of the customer(s) are to be kept in mind. These needs must be met in order for a person to be persuaded to purchase a product or service. E-business is no exception. Here the website visitor is persuaded to close the deal successfully by following a five step strategy. This can be done with building trust and confidence by meeting the psychological marketing needs of that visitor and potential customer while escorting that visitor through the selection and purchasing process. These five levels of the sales process are the core components that will move a website viewer from visitor to customer or client. The five levels are; Marketing/Prospecting to the Target Market and Audience: Prospecting is the result of marketing. It's the delivery of targeted qualified traffic to the company's virtual storefront. This can be achieved by search engine optimization, pay per clicks, or advertisements that draw people to the company's site. Once they are there it is the job and responsibility of the company to deliver its Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Though Reebok doesn't appear to be making frantic efforts towards attracting the audience from all around, but once they are in the virtual store, there's lot for the customer to have a look at, different varieties, technologies that are being used in designing the shoes, video bites of sporting personalities etc. Building Credibility and Trust - (viewer needs this to move forward): In a brick and mortar business trust is built by human interaction. Greeting a person when they walk in the door or physically helping them find something that they are looking for, helps in business propositions. For a virtual store the company is supposed to make sure that the site appears to be trustworthy, it has a professional appearance. The company is also supposed to know how long does it take to open the web-page How easy is it navigating through (i.e. user friendly links and
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Mri tech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Mri tech - Essay Example Therefore, with T1 weighted MRIs, the images will appear to be bright (high intensity). This is because the major composition of yellow marrow is fat and fat possess very short T1 relaxation phase. The red or hematopoietic marrow is framed up with 40% of water and fat and 20% protein. Water holds a longer T1 relaxation phase and therefore, the images of red marrow is low intense or dark in nature due to very low signal intensity. The diagnoses of bone marrow lesion on yellow marrow background are effective using T1 weighted MRIs but it can be difficult with the case of lesion on a red marrow. With T2 weighted images, the red marrow and yellow marrow cannot be easily distinguished. STIR is more effective than T2 weighted spin images. (Dimopoulos, Moulopoulos, 1997). The figure shows dark signals highlighted with small arrows that indicate the red marrow in the spinal region and bright signals highlighted with long arrows indicates yellow marrow around femoral epiphyses as well as apop hyses. This is an image of a normal bone marrow of a child. (Dimopoulos, Moulopoulos,1997). An abnormal situation characterized by severe pain and irritation in the knee as a result of high level of pressure offered from patella or kneecap is referred as Chondromalacia (cluett, 2010). The patella is normally covered with a smooth layer composed of cartilage. The cartilage moves effortlessly and flexibly across our knee and thus, facilitates easy bending of the knee joint. The case is different with patients affected with chondromalacia wherein the patella inclines to rub against one or another side of the joint. This results in irritation and pain in the knee. Chondromalacia patella symptoms include distributed knee pain mainly in the front and back side of knee cap. It is accompanied with worsening of pain while arising from an elongated sitting posture, climbing upstairs, wearing heels, kneeling or jumping. (Cluett, 2010) MRI appearance of chondromalacia comprises of signal hetero geneity surrounded by hyaline cartilage, predominantly with T2 weighted MR images, hyaline cartilage covered focal hyperintensity, mainly showing linear or focal abnormalities in the hyaline cartilage and asymmetrical configuration to the hyaline cartilage surface. It is required to use the modifier â€Å"severe†when variations that are greater than one cm in diameter are observed. If high density central defects are present then also the severe modifier need to be used. These defects can be distinguished from usual chondral defects by comparing the centralization of the final lesion that are widely spread and lacks surroundings (Loren, 2008) Full thickness chondral defect is appeared with high signal joint surface lesion represented in black arrow is covered by normal low intense hyaline cartilage on this spin echo T2 weighted image. (Loren, 2008) Osteochondritis dessecans is a medical condition that arises when certain amount of cartilage in a joint connected with a thin b oney layer separates from the rest of the bone. The affected person usually experience server pain, irritation and discomfort near a bone ending position. (Kennedy, no date) OCD is usually seen with larger joints such as the hips, knees and the ankles. The condition is also accompanied by severe rib pain. In association with rib pain, the uneasiness normally occurs in breastbone or in the spine where the ribs get connected. The major cause of OCD is certain type of repetitive injury or
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